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Reader’s Corner:Athlete’s foot:

One reader last time wanted to know if any of you had some suggestions for clearing up athlete’s foot.

Silly goose – of course you do! Try tea tree oil on the foot, suggests one, or apply a paste made from bicarbonate of soda. Alternatively, crush bulbs of garlic in a plastic bag and then put your foot into the bag ‘for a spell’. Fortunately for our reader, the bicarb remedy worked first!

Another option is aloe vera, says one reader, while Centella makes an ointment it ‘guarantees’ will cure the problem. A home-made remedy involves piercing a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the contents onto the affected area. Regular supplementation of zinc helped one reader who constantly suffered from athlete’s foot. Simpler still, just rinse the affected foot in cold water after you’ve showered or bathed, and dry the foot with a hair dryer, using cool air.

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