Hormone Therapy

Androstenedione: The Father of Testosterone

Androstenedione and its close cousins androstenediol, norandrostenedione, and others, are natural steroid hormones found in the body and available over the counter. There are several other steroid hormones available without a prescription, including...

Is DHEA the Wonder Hormone?

DHEA (Dehydropeiandrosterone) is being touted as an anti-aging hormone, effective in preventing and reversing many of the debilitating changes in emotional and physical well-being we associate with aging and chronic disease. Most Americans are aware...

Nutrient Program for Oral Contraceptives

Nutrient Program for Oral Contraceptives Birth control pills (BCPs) are both the most effective and the most hazardous form of contraception. Preventing pregnancy in this way is done by taking an oral dose of a combination of the hormones estrogen...

Osteoporosis & Other Physical Changes

One of the most serious consequences of postmenopausal aging is the development of osteoporosis. In fact, osteoporosis is a major health problem affecting more than 25 million older Americans, 90 percent of them women. One out of three American...

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