Person making a shhh motion

What Doctors Don’t Tell You

Lyme disease: a leaky brain

Lyme disease is still barely recognized by orthodox medicine, but new, explosive evidence links this worldwide epidemic with certain types of mental illness, including autism. The number of diagnosed cases of Lyme disease are now rising - and not...

Hope for Alzheimer’s?

The pharmaceutical companies have spectacularly failed to move beyond the 'chemical imbalance' view of Alzheimer's disease. But new evidence points to brain poisoning-by processed foods and heavy metals-as likely causes, and many alternatives offer...

Low-down on low-fat milk

For years, low-fat cow's milk has been enthusiastically promoted as the perfect health drink, providing adults with 'essential' vitamins and minerals, but without the so-called heart-unhealthy fat found in whole milk. However, new research suggests...

Healing with Intention

The latest evidence shows that the strongest medicine is not a conventional pill, a surgical technique or even an alternative treatment, but the power of the mind-and the 'contract' of belief between healer and patient.

In Praise of Fatty Foods

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world. Although this disease employs more doctors than any other branch of medicine, recent discoveries show some fundamental flaws in our understanding of it - particularly the basic...

Our Partner, Probiotics

Probiotics, which contain millions of the 'good-guy' bacteria, have largely been billed merely as a way to keep the gut healthy. But the latest evidence suggests that the bacteria populating our intestines not only 'kickstart' the immune system, but...

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Explore Wellness in 2021