
Acne and the Pill

Q My 26-month-old daughter has a persistent greenish-gray coating, with red patches, on her tongue. Her breath is also quite bad. An otherwise healthy child, she developed problems after her Hib jab at four months,

Acne rosea:

Finally, we have a 70 year old, who had no history of acne but is currently suffering from eruptions on his upper lip. Is there anything he can do to regain his clear skin? Firstly, stop using any products that may contain irritants such as sodium...

Adult female acne

According to a US study of more than 10,000 women, long-term use of antibiotics may be linked to a substantially increased risk of breast cancer. Women with more than 25 prescriptions, or who took antibiotics


Last week, we had a query from a mother whose teenage daughter has recently developed psoriasis on her face. The reader is so worried about her daughter being bullied at school for this that she has decided to teach her at home instead. But before...

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