
Menopausal woman and man drinking coffee

Putting Sex Back on the Menopause Menu

Your partner is still keen, but during menopause sex may be the last thing on your mind. You are not alone. Many women find that their desire for sex wanes as they approach menopause. Studies show that up to 75 percent of women feel their sex drive...


There are many herbs with reputations as being effective sleep remedies, but there are no legal plants that will put a person out! The key to successful treatment of insomnia is to find the cause and deal with it. This may be anything in the realm...


To recognize amenorrhea it is necessary to know what would be considered normal menstruation. The duration of a period is 28 +/- 3 days 65% of women, with a range of 18 to 40 days; once a menstrual pattern has been established the variation does not...

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