Tag - depression


BAD SCIENCE So many studies, so many flaws A full one-third of American scientists have been found guilty of serious misconduct while undertaking medical research over the last three years. Their misdeeds have included the falsification of data...


SLE is difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. Many of the treatments currently administered to sufferers of SLE are nothing more than a shot in the dark. Since SLE can manifest i ...

Drugs: Accutane, the acne drug

Accutane (generic name: isotretinoin; also sold as Rocaccutane) is medicine’s biggest gun in the war on acne. A prescription acne medication derived from vitamin A, it’s been distributed by Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals since its approval in...

Morning headaches

Q I am 70 and healthy, but suffer from morning headaches. They are behind my right eye and last for up to two or three days. Paracetamol gives relief, but I would prefer not to use painkillers.

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Explore Wellness in 2021