Tag - hyperactivity

The new brainkillers

Which brain chemical this might be, and how it is repaired by a class-II controlled substance with the same effects as cocaine, has never been addressed. But as mounting evidence shows, if MPH is ‘correcting’ brain chemistry, it does so at great...

Attention Problems in Children

Children are naturally inquisitive, explorative, demonstrative, and sensitive. Unfortunately,the majority of schools demand that children conform to more or less rigid expectations for behavior and admonish any significant deviations. Here are some...


One of the side effects of our modern environment and diet has been an increase in illnesses such as autism and hyperactivity. It is important to recognize that these do not have a single cause but are rather the common endpoint for many different...

Flowers with mortar and pestle - natural flower remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

The world of natural treatment also includes natural emotion-balancing flower preparations. This system of healing was developed by Dr. Edward Bach (1897-1936). Dr. Bach believed that physical problems were secondary to emotional problems, that...

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