Tag - Nephropathy


Wetting the bed is not only uncomfortable, it is embarrassing, especially for a child older than 3 years. And that's not all. Afraid of waking up in a soaked bed, children who wet their beds may avoid going to pajama parties, friends' houses or


Vanadium was classified as an essential trace mineral fairly recently, and it is still a little-known element. Our body contains about 20-25 mg., distributed in

Nutritional Program for Diabetes

When patients come to me for advice about specific medical problems, they usually have been told that they need medication or surgery, and they are seeking ways to avoid those treatments. Sometimes they have already tried medications, which have...

Amino Acid Requirements

There are definitely specific requirements for proteins, though the exact amount is somewhat questionable. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein according to U.S. government standards is 0.8 gram per kilogram (1 kilogram equals 2.2...

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