Tag - pneumonia

Asclepias tuberosa

Pleurisy Root

Asclepias tuberosa Asclepiadaceae Names: Butterfly Weed. Habitat: USA Collection: The rhizome should be unearthed in March or April. Clean,split and dry. Part Used: Rhizome. Constituents: * Cardenolides, including asclepiadin * Flavonoids; rutin...

Antacids for indigestion

If you’re about to reach for that bottle of antacids after the Christmas blow-out - think again. New research suggests that the world’s most popular drugs, used for heartburn and indigestion, can double the risk of pneumonia.

Pneumonia:A disease of doctors

When we think of pneumonia, we see it as a complicated and dangerous infection caused by bugs ‘in the air’. But there are a number of disparate, but common, medications that can lead to pneumonia, sometimes fatally. Going into hospital can cause it...

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