Tag - Witch Hazel

Hamamelis virginiana

Witch Hazel

Hamamelis virginiana Hamameliadaceae Habitat: Indigenous to N. America and Canada. Collection: The leaves can be gathered throughout the summer and driedquickly to ensure that they do not become discoloured. The bark is gathered inthe spring after...

Chronic cold sores

Chronic cold sores Q Last February, I moved to the UK from South Africa. From the moment I arrived, I’ve been plagued by cold sores, often one every few weeks. I used to get them very occasionally, but now they’ve become chronic. I’ve also been more...

Cold sores

Q This time of year, I always find that my cold sores flare up. Suncreams help, but I often end up relying on strong over-the-counter remedies like Zovirax because the pain is too unbearable.

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