Author - Elson M. Haas MD

Elson M. Haas, MD has been in medical practice for over 25 years and was instrumental in the development of the field that he has termed Integrated Medicine. He is the founder and director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin, an integrated health care facility in San Rafael, California, where he specializes in Family and Nutritional Medicine, Detoxification, and Individualized Health Programs. His books include: Staying Healthy with Nutrition , Staying Healthy with the Seasons (fully revised 20th Anniversary 2003 edition), The False Fat Diet, The Staying Healthy Shopper's Guide, The Detox Diet, and A Cookbook for All Seasons.


Uranium is probably toxic, but there is little direct exposure to it. Radon, however, which comes from the radioactive decay of uranium, is a


Thallium has again become a toxicity concern. Discovered in the 1800s by Sir William Crookes, it was used in medical treatments, for venereal diseases, gout, and


Antimony is probably only slightly toxic in human beings, though in rats it affects the heart and reduces the life span. We obtain antimony mainly from food and water, with some from the air.


Mercury or "quicksilver," is a shiny liquid metal that is a widespread environmental contaminant. It is fairly toxic, though the metallic mercury is


Fruits are considered nature's perfect foods. They are the only pure offering from nature, as a ripe fruit from the tree may actually drop into

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