Raw Foods Index

Rubus idaeus


Raspberries (Rubus species) are members of the Rose family in which apples, peaches, plums and strawberries are also included. Technically, raspberries are not a true fruit, but a cluster of druplets surrounded by many small round seeded fruits...


Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum, R. rhaponticum) can grow from seven to ten feet high with elephant ear-like leaves. The name Rhubarb is derived from the Latin rha barbarum, referring to the region of the Rha River (ancient name for the Volga River)...


Rutabagas (Brassica napus) are believed to be a mutation of a wild cabbage and turnip, all members of the Brassicaceae (Mustard) Family. Rutabagas are believed, native to Siberia and Russia and grow either as an annual or biennial. The word rutabaga...


Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a member of the (Chenopodiaceae) Goosefoot Family. The genus name Spinacia means “spine”, referring to its spiny seeds and the species name oleracea refers to a garden herb used in cooking. Native to...


Soursop (Anona muricata) is a member of the Annonaceae Family and a close relative of cherimoya. It is also known as prickly custard apple and guanabana. The species name, muricata means “roughened on the surface” describing its spines...


Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana F. species) is a member of the Rosaceae or Rose Family. The genus name comes from the Latin fraga and refers to the plant’s enticing fragrance. How the name strawberry came to be, is theorized that either it was...

String Beans

Green (Phaseolus vulgaris) and yellow beans, also known as snap beans are believed to be native to Central or South America and there are over 150 varieties cultivated today. All beans are members of the Fabaceae (Pea) Family and relatives of...

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are an edible root and member of the Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory) Family. They are not related to common white potatoes, which are in the Nightshade family. The genus name, Ipomoea is from the Greek ips, meaning...

Summer Squash

There are a multitude of summer squash varieties that are closely related to the popular zucchini (Curcurbita pepo) (called marrow by the British and courgette by the French), including yellow squash, yellow crookneck, and pattypan squash. They are...

Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris cicl) is a member of the Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot) Family. The genus name beta is derived from the Greek letter beta and vulgaris means “common.” Cicula is from sicula referring to Sicily one of places where...

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