Scrabble letters spelling the word "Learn"

Your Mind & Spirit

happy man on a beach

Enduring Happiness

Achieving genuine and lasting happiness can be said to be a central goal of human life. But if we so strongly desire happiness why are our lives so often filled with stress, distress, and overt suffering?

Man on bench thinking about life

Touching Life in Silence

There is life, and there are thoughts about life. If we see our thoughts as thoughts, we don’t become our thoughts; we recognize that we are different from our thoughts. Silence is the recognition that thoughts about life are not life itself.

Woman in flowers living a precious life

A Precious Life

Humans are endowed with the seed of a potentially very precious, happy, and meaningful life. We possess the ability to know and unite with the very nature of our being. We can gain freedom from suffering and prosper in our own lives and in...

Woman laying on floor developing her spiritual self

The Illusion of Self Development

If you are fortunate, there will come a time when your attention turns inward. That turn will likely place you on one of two possible paths. The first, the one commonly taken, is the time-based path of self-development and self-improvement. This...

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Explore Wellness in 2021