Tag - alternative cancer therapy

Woman fighting cancer with guided imagery

Fighting Cancer From Within

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you can find yourself over-whelmed with emotions at a time when you most need to keep your wits about you. While you are alive, you have hope, and you have options. You have will, imagination, and powerful natural...

Treatments Currently Used for Cancer

In order to know where we are going in cancer treatment, it is important to know where we have been and how we got where we are. This chapter looks at both conventional and alternative cancer treatment methods to give you a better understanding of...


Pesticides have been in use for centuries. In 470 B.C., the Greek philosopher Democrates used olive extracts on plants to prevent blight. Vine pests were destroyed with sulfur fumes by Cato in Italy in 200 B.C.

Tumors and Cancer

Some of the most tragic stories one will ever hear in medical practice are those of cancer patients and their families. Unfortunately, the tragedy is often the result of the impact on people's lives not only of the disease but also of the treatment

Risk Factors – An Overview

There is a strong correlation between diet and/or nutritional deficiencies and many cancers (see Table 2.1). The National Academy of Sciences and others estimate that nutritional factors account for 60 percent of cancer cases in women and 40 percent...

Fiber, Fat and Breast Cancer Prevention

One of our roles as Naturopathic physicians is to educate and assist you in making the dietary improvements that will prevent many chronic, degenerative diseases. The mounting evidence that dietary fat and fiber intake influences your risk of...

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Explore Wellness in 2021