Vegetarian Recipe

2 pounds eggplant
2 cups TVP granules
2 onions
1 vegetable stock cube
1 15-ounce can peeled tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/3 cup flour
2 cups water

Soak the TVP with enough water to cover it for a couple of hours. Prepare the filling. Put TVP, tomatoes, onions, tomato paste, vegetable stock, salt and pepper, and oil in a saucepan, and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. If necessary, add some water. Normally it is not needed as the soaked TVP and the tomatoes have enough juice. If the TVP is cooked and has not absorbed all the water, strain it. (You can save the liquid and substitute for water in the sauce.)

While the filling is cooking, prepare the eggplants. Wash them and cut them into slices about 1/2-inch thick. Cook them in the oven (low heat) until very soft.

Prepare the sauce. In a small saucepan, heat the olive oil and add the flour. Add the water or juice from filling. Stir constantly over low heat until the sauce thickens. The sauce should be creamy but not lumpy.

In a large oven proof dish arrange half of the cooked egg-plants and cover them with half the filling. Add another layer of eggplants end the rest of the filling. At the end, pour the sauce evenly and cook in the oven at 425°F for about 1 hour or until the sauce is brown.

Rita Haritakis of Doctors for Responsible Medicine, Athens, Greece.

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Written by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

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