Author - Daniel Redwood DC

Daniel Redwood, DC, is a Professor at Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City. He is editor-in-chief of Health Insights Today ( and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Topics in Integrative Healthcare. A chiropractor, acupuncture practitioner, and writer, Dr. Redwood practiced in Virginia and Washington, D.C., for 26 years before joining the faculty of Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City in mid-2006. In addition his role at the college, he will start to see patients on a part-time basis in the near future. Dr. Redwood's holistic healing philosophy involves seeing each patient as a whole person whose health is influenced by physical, emotional, and social factors. To help his patients, he draws on years of experience utilizing chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, and stress management methods. He also maintains referral relationships with both medical physicians and complementary health professionals for patients who need additional health services. Recognized as a leader in his field, Dr. Redwood is the author of three books, including the textbook, Fundamentals of Chiropractic (Mosby, 2003), co-authored with Carl S. Cleveland III, D.C., which reviewers have called "the most important book on chiropractic in the last decade" and "simply the best text yet published." You can also visit his website at

Chiropractic at Bethesda Naval Hospital

Dr. Bill Morgan practices in the Chiropractic Department at the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) in Bethesda, Maryland, where he works with injured service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other servicemen and women with...

The Healing Power of Plants

Jim Duke, America's elder statesman of herbs and spices, is a dedicated and strong-willed scientist whose advocacy of natural healing methods has never diminished. Born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1929, Duke earned his doctorate in botany from the...

FCER End Notes

From internal AMA documents introduced into evidence by the chiropractic plaintiffs at the Wilk v. AMA trial. Data from the federally-mandated study study was to be used to determine whether chiropractic should be included in Medicare, the...

Telling the Environments Story

Simran Sethi is an award-winning journalist and associate professor at the University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications, where she teaches courses on sustainability and environmental communications. She is currently writing a...

Women’s Health

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a board–certified obstetrician/gynecologist whose best selling books, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause, have set the standard for women seeking a balanced and knowledgeable perspective on both...

Making Kind Choices

Ingrid Newkirk is the cofounder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the world’s largest animal rights organization. Newkirk began PETA in 1980 to provide information on vegetarianism and consumer products produced...

Forging a Vision

Daniel Redwood, D.C. interviews Marilyn Ferguson about her great concern for the fate of our civilization and her deeply-ingrained sense of hope. Though a bit young for the role, she is becoming a kind of global village elder, assimilating a wide...

Foundations of the Chiropractic Model

Interview with Bill Meeker as interviewed by Daniel Redwood D.C. : We have now seen a wealth of studies demonstrating that spinal manipulation is effective, but it is quite another matter to fully understand how and why. The search for an...

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