Tag - bronchitis

Mouse Ear

Pilosella officinarum Compositae Common name: Hawkweed Habitat: A common British and European plant growing in sandy soil. Part used: Aerial parts. Collection: Mouse Ear should be collected when in flower between May andJune. Constituents:...


Verbascum thapsus Scrophulariaceae Names: Aarons Rod, Great Mullein. Habitat: Native to Britain, Europe and parts of Asia. Collection: The leaves are collected in mid-summer before they turn brown, dry in the shade. The flowers are gathered between...

Viola tricolor


Viola tricolor Violaceae Names: Wild Pansy. Habitat: A common British wild and garden plant. Part Used: Herb. Constituents: Flavonoids, including violanthin, rutin, violaquercitrin. Methylsalicylate Miscellaneous; mucilage gums, resin, saponin...


Marrubium vulgare Labiatae Name: White Horehound Habitat: Found growing wild throughout Europe, cultivated in Britain. Collection: White Horehound is gathered whilst the herb is blossoming between June and September. It is dried in the shade at a...


Hyssopus officinalis Labiatae Habitat: A common garden plant. Part Used: Dried aerial parts. Collection: The flowering tops of Hyssop should be collected in August and dried in the sun. Constituents: Terpenoids; including marrubiin, oleanolic and...


Inula helenium Compositae Names: Yellow Starwort Habitat: Indigenous to Europe and temperate Asia, naturalized in the USA, and cultivated widely in Europe and also China. Collection: The rhizome should be unearthed between September and October. The...

Tussilago farfara


Tussilago farfara Compositae Names: Coughwort, Horsehoof, Foal’s Foot. Habitat: A common wild plant in Britain and Europe, growing in dampplaces. Collection: The flowers should be gathered before they have fully bloomed (end of February to...

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