Tag - children

Treating Anxiety and Depression

These two symptoms, that tend to go hand in hand, may occur as mild and bothersome moodiness or devastating dysfunction that brings life to a standstill. Wherever you or a loved one fit on this spectrum there is help for these problems with holistic...

Pediatric Eczema

Eczema, like its sister asthma, has become an increasingly common problem of today’s children. The obvious cause for the increasing incidence of both these symptom patterns is undoubtedly the increasing number of vaccines today’s children receive...

Intuition In Children

I'm a psychiatrist who specializes in intuition in Los Angeles. What I do isn't my job. It''s my life's passion. With patients and in workshops, I listen with my intellect and my intuition, a potent inner wisdom that goes beyond the literal. I...


Goldenseal, which was suggested last week to fight the infection causing impetigo, cannot be used long term and is effectiveness is reduced after 2 weeks, replied a reader. Impetigo is a systemic staph infection, so cleansing the lymphatic system by...

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Explore Wellness in 2021