Heart Health

Buddy Up with Nuts

Nuts - you’ve just gotta love ’em. They’re the friendly food that brings you many more benefits than you expected. Be a good buddy to nuts, invite them to breakfast, lunch, or dinner and discover the tasty, healthful surprises they’ll deliver.

Let’s Get Tropical with Coconut Oil!

One of the areas where we can shift our tastes slightly and make a significant impact on our health is by steering away from the traditional ground crops providing us with corn, soy, safflower and vegetable oils. Coconut oil research has now cracked...

In Praise of Fatty Foods

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world. Although this disease employs more doctors than any other branch of medicine, recent discoveries show some fundamental flaws in our understanding of it - particularly the basic...

A human guinea pig

With atrial fibrillation, a high pulse rate and elevated blood pressure, I’ve gone through at least seven different medications, prescribed by my GP, over the last two years. I’m 71 and could not tolerate any of them due to side-effects that I’d...

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Explore Wellness in 2021