
Pre-Surgical and Post-Surgical Treatment

Surgery represents conventional medicine at its best and its worst. On the one hand, surgery demonstrates incredibly sophisticated informational and technical advancement, yet on the other hand, it often indicates the inability of physicians and...

First Aid with Homeopathic Medicines

In "First Aid with Homeopathic Medicines”" Dana Ullman, M.P.H. shows how homeopathic remedies for first aid and sports injuries are very easy to prescribe and are usually very effective in reducing pain of the injury and speeding the healing process...

Homeopathic Medicines for Sports Injuries

A growing number of professional athletes and weekend warriors are spelling relief H-O-M-E-O-P-A-T-H-Y. Although homeopathic medicines have a reputation of helping people who are suffering from chronic diseases, these natural medicines are...

Hypericum perforatum

St. John’s Wort – The Versatile Herb

It was never like this on Prozac ... there's more laughter. (Kate, 48-year-old author. The herbalists of ancient times knew about the powers of St. John's wort, and they used it for a wide variety of ailments. However, Western medicine discarded the...

Vitex: The Hormone Balancing Herb

Vitex agnus-castus is a perfect example of a modern medicinal plant, with important clinical applications, validated by modern science, and known and used by the ancient Greeks. From the writings of three of the best-known herbalists and healers of...

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Explore Wellness in 2021