Tag - gall-bladder

Silybum marianum

Milk Thistle

Silybum marianum Part Used: The seeds. Constituents: Flavolignans; the mixture of these is known as “silymarin” and composed mainly of silybin (=silibinin), with isosilybin, dihydrosilybin, silydianin, silychristin, and in some varieties...

Harpagophytum procumbens

Devil’s Claw

Harpagophytum procumbens Pedaliaceae Habitat: Indigenous to Southern and Eastern Africa. Collection: This plant grows in Africa in very arid conditions. The roots are collected at the end of the rainy season. Part Used: Rhizome. Constituents:...

Peumus boldo


Peumus boldo Part Used : Dried leaves. Constituents : Alkaloids, of the isoquinoline type, up to 0.75%, including boldine, isocorydine, N-methyllaurotetanine, norisocorydine, isoboldine, laurolitsine, reticuline & others Volatile oil, containing...

Biliary (gallbladder) sludge

This is a question regarding excruciating abdominal pain in the early hours of the morning (lasting up to 4 hours)! The attacks fall anywhere between nine days and two months apart. The hospital can only offer complete removal of the gallbladder...


One reader writes in adding to an earlier debate on natural ways of flushing out gallstones. Apparently, she continued to suffer a lot of discomfort and volatile responses to certain foods, despite having flushed out "enormous amounts" of stones.

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