Tag - Qigong and Tai Chi

Woman outdoors breathing for Progressive Relaxation

Progressive Relaxation, Option III

Because we are generally addicted to complexity and busyness, reaching a state of authentic relaxation is a challenge. Many of us are locked into worry, hurry, overwork and compulsive behaviors and the mind is very difficult to quit. The beauty of...

Woman laying on a couch - Progressive Relaxation

Progressive Relaxation, Option I:

The experts are constantly practicing toward successful quieting of the mind and body. This particular technique assures a genuine state of relaxation by actually involving the body parts. In “Progressive Relaxation, Option I” Dr. Roger Jahnke...

Progressive Relaxation - Woman laying on a mat

Progressive Relaxation, Option II:

In the Chinese tradition where energy pathways and points are accepted aspects of the body, attention is drawn to specific energy areas as the rhythm of the breath continues. In “Progressive Relaxation, Option II” Dr. Roger Jahnke presents a...

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