Tag - Type I Diabetes

Chionanthus virginicus

Fringetree Bark

Chionanthus virginicus Part Used: The root bark. Constituents: Phyllyrin, a lignin glycoside, Chionanthin. Actions: Hepatic, cholagogue, alterative, diuretic, tonic, antemetic, laxative. Indications: This valuable herb may be safely used in all...

Galega officinalis

Goat’s Rue

Galega officinalis Papilionaceae Names: French Lilac. Habitat: Grows wild in Europe, naturalized in Britain. Collection: The stalks with the leaves and flowers are gathered at the time of flowering, which is between July and August. Dry in the shade...

Keeping Sugar in Balance

One of the challenges to health in modern cultures throughout the world is our access to refined sugar as processed and junk foods--candy, sodas, ice cream, cookies, and other baked goods.

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