Tag - vitamin C


Limes (Citrus hystrix, C. aurantifolius, C. latifolia) are members of the Rutaceae (Citrus) Family. Limes are believed native to the Southeast Asia. The word lime is derived from the Arabic lim. In 1753, the Scottish naval surgeon, James Lind...


Papaya (Carica papaya) is a member of the Caricaceae (Paw Paw) Family and native to Central America. In Cuba “papaya’ is slang for “female fruit” or “female genitalia,” as the shrub, resembling a palm, has male...


Peaches (Prunus persica, P. vulgaris) are a member of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family and a close relative of almonds and apples. Nectarines are basically peaches, without the fuzz. Peaches are believed to be native to China, though they were originally...


Peppers (Capsicum annum), also known as Green or Red Peppers are in the Solanaceae (Nightshade) Family and relatives of chilies and paprika. The genus name, Capsicum comes from the Latin. Capsa, meaning, “box” referring to its hollow...


Celery (Apium graveolens) is a member of the Apiaceae (Parsley) Family and a relative of dill and carrots. The genus name, is derived from the Latin, apis, meaning bee, as bees are attracted to its small white flowers. The species name gravelones...


Chayote (Sechium edule) (pronounced chy-O-tay) is also known mirliton, vegetable pear, sapote, huisquil, mango squash, pear squash, and custard marrow. It is a member of the Curcurbitaceae (Gourd) Family. It has a flavor considered a blend of apple...


Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are members of the Liliaceae (Lily) Family, which makes them closely related to garlic and onions. The species name schoenoprasum is derived from two Greek words: schoinos, meaning reed-like and prason, meaning leek...


Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus, P. tuberosus), (pronounced HEE-ka-ma), is native to Central America, where it is also known as Yam Bean or Mexican Turnip. The genus name, Pachyrhizus is derived from the Greek and means “thick root.” The...


Apples, native to Eurasia, are members of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family, relatives of peaches and pears, and are known botanically as (Malus species). Malus is the Greek term for “round fruit.” Apples were traditionally hung on Yule trees to symbolize...


Apricots (Prunus armeniaca) are members of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family, making them a relative of apple, peach and plum. They are believed to have originated in China, and that Alexander the Great brought them to Greece around the fourth century B.C...

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