OVULATION: It happens more often than you think

Sometimes an obscure medical journal comes up with a discovery that makes you rethink something that we all thought we knew.

Take, for instance, a recent piece in Fertility and Sterility. Now, how often does a woman ovulate? Once every 28 days or so? Wrong, how about three times a month.

Canadian researchers monitored 63 women, all of whom had at least two ovulations a month based on follicle activity in the ovaries. This would explain why the rhythm method is so unreliable, and why some women on the Pill still become pregnant.

‘If it’s confirmed, we’ll have to rewrite the textbooks,’ said one researcher. You can say that again.

(Source: Fertility and Sterility, 2003; 80: 116-22).

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Written by What Doctors Don't Tell You

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