Reader’s Corner:The MMR mums:

One of the mothers involved in the High Court appeal against the compulsory vaccination of her daughter points out that the ruling involves all the childhood vaccines. This includes the Hib and pertussis vaccines, even though her daughter is past the safe age when these should be administered. It also encompasses the polio vaccine, even though the only two cases in western Europe were vaccine-induced, she tells us.

Another reader suggests evaluating the mineral status of the two children. If they are deficient in minerals such as selenium, the children may have an immune dysfunction, and so may be exempt for valid medical reasons (which, presumably, could take precedence over the court ruling).

In the meantime, we continue to accept donations on behalf of one of the mothers, who is hoping to continue her fight. To e-mail a credit-card donation, send your details to:, or fax them to 0870 444 9887. You can send a cheque, made payable to ‘The MMR Account’, to WDDTY. 2 Salisbury Road, London SW19 4EZ. Thank you for any help you can give.

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Written by What Doctors Don't Tell You

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