Tag - calcium

Rubus idaeus


Rubus idaeus Rosaceae Habitat: Cultivated in most temperate countries. Collection: The leaves may be collected throughout the growing season.Dry slowly in a well-ventilated area to ensure proper preservation ofproperties. Part Used: Leaves and fruit...


Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum, R. rhaponticum) can grow from seven to ten feet high with elephant ear-like leaves. The name Rhubarb is derived from the Latin rha barbarum, referring to the region of the Rha River (ancient name for the Volga River)...


Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a member of the (Chenopodiaceae) Goosefoot Family. The genus name Spinacia means “spine”, referring to its spiny seeds and the species name oleracea refers to a garden herb used in cooking. Native to...


Turnip (Brassica rapa, B. campestris) is technically a white version of rutabaga. The species name, rape is from the Latin word for turnip. The old English word for turnip is from naep, which when blended with the Anglo-Saxon word turn, meant...


Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a member of the Brassicaeae (Mustard) Family, making it a relative of cabbage and radish. The genus name is from the Latin, nasus tortus, and meaning “writhing nose” in reference to the pungent...


Peaches (Prunus persica, P. vulgaris) are a member of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family and a close relative of almonds and apples. Nectarines are basically peaches, without the fuzz. Peaches are believed to be native to China, though they were originally...


Plums (Prunus domestica) are a member of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family, making them a close relative of apricots and peaches. Believed to have originated in western Asia, in Chinese mythology, plums symbolize wisdom, longevity and resurrection. Plums...


Papaya (Carica papaya) is a member of the Caricaceae (Paw Paw) Family and native to Central America. In Cuba “papaya’ is slang for “female fruit” or “female genitalia,” as the shrub, resembling a palm, has male...


Celery (Apium graveolens) is a member of the Apiaceae (Parsley) Family and a relative of dill and carrots. The genus name, is derived from the Latin, apis, meaning bee, as bees are attracted to its small white flowers. The species name gravelones...


Cherries (Prunus avium, P. cerasus) are members of the Rosaceae (Rose) Family, and relatives of apples and strawberries. The species name, avium means “for the birds”. Cherries are native to Eurasia. In ancient Greece, cherries were...

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