Tag - MD

Depression: A Natural Approach

Depression wears many faces. Sometimes it is a melancholy feeling. Sometimes, it is fatigue, apathy, or anxiety. There are even times when it is several of these things at once. But it always feels like it's holding you back from enjoying life the...

Couple practicing guided meditation imagery

Guided Imagery for Home Care

People throughout time have used mental imagery for healing in one form or another. Whether through simple prayer, visualization, or elaborate healing rituals, the imagination can play a powerful role in both physical and emotional healing. One of...

Visualization, Affirmation and Prayer

As Bernie Siegel, M.D., notes in Love, Medicine and Miracles medical statistics can lead both doctors and patients to assume the worst, at a time when hope is essential. Though the statistical odds may be 99 to 1 against recovery from a particular...

What Is Anxiety?

The definition of anxiety is "a state of being uneasy, apprehensive," a "feeling of being powerless and unable to cope with threatening events . . . [characterized] by physical tension." According to Dr. Susan Lark, her patients complain about...

Exercises for Heavy Menstrual Flow Anemia

Women who are anemic or have a problem with heavy menstrual bleeding tend to tire easily even when they exercise, so they often stop their regular exercise program, according to Susan Lark, M.D. Although the fatigue problem tends to resolve itself...

Foods to Avoid or Limit

Many commonly eaten foods in our society pose health risks for women. reports Susan Lark, M.D., including foods that are high in saturated fats, sugars and animal protein, such as pizza, cheeseburgers, ice cream, French fries, chocolate, and other...

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Research shows that thirty percent of American women have fibrocystic breast disease, a benign (non-cancerous) condition characterized by round lumps that move freely within the breast tissue. Susan M. Lark, M.D. discusses the causes and natural...

Osteoporosis & Other Physical Changes

One of the most serious consequences of postmenopausal aging is the development of osteoporosis. In fact, osteoporosis is a major health problem affecting more than 25 million older Americans, 90 percent of them women. One out of three American...

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