Tag - menopause


The transitions in a woman's life are marked by several events. The first event is the menarche which occurs in puberty and is the start of the menses or menstrual periods. It is truly a time of joy for a girl to start to have her monthly bleeding...

Menopause and Bone Health

Menopause represents a major transition period in the lives of most women. That is why it is called the "change of life." Women experience a decreased production of sex hormones by the ovaries, and many times there are symptoms representative of...

Doctor holding X-ray for health bones, not osteoporosis

Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is a clinical condition which is characterized by a high susceptibility to bone fracture. It is due to excessive bone loss and decreased bone density. The "disease" occurs most commonly in post-menopausal women because of reduced levels...

Woman eating fruits and herbs for improved health

Herbal Programs for Women’s Health

Herbal and nutritional supplements have long been used traditionally in treating and enhancing women's health according to Janet Zand, OMD, L.Ac. Zand shows how premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and other difficulties can respond favorably to...

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