Tag - tea-tree oil

Tea tree oil:

Many might have noticed how tea tree oil is becoming ubiquitous in alternative therapy. While its antibacterial and healing properties are recognised, one reader writes in cautioning about potential harmful reactions to the oil.


My son has developed a verruca on his foot, and I may have one, too. I do not want to put chemicals on our skin. How can we deal with this naturally? - CN

Acne and the Pill

Q My 26-month-old daughter has a persistent greenish-gray coating, with red patches, on her tongue. Her breath is also quite bad. An otherwise healthy child, she developed problems after her Hib jab at four months,


Q I recently contracted dermatitis, probably as a result of all the painkillers and antibiotics I was given after minor knee surgery. Rashes, irritating spots and discoloured patches have now begun to appear at random

Help for ovarian cysts

Q I’m a 30-year-old woman and, since December 2003, I have suffered from hair-follicle abscesses at the back of my head (folliculitis) and ringworm on my forehead. Recently, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

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