Tag - What Doctors Don’t Tell You

Cancer: The psychology of cancer

Sir Peter Medawar, the great British scientist and Nobel prizewinner in immunology, was once asked what the best prescription for success against cancer might be. 'A sanguine personality,' he replied. The relationship between cancer and personality...

Chronic tiredness

A 23-year-old woman has been suffering from chronic tiredness for the past 9 months. The problem began shortly before she developed a long-lasting chest infection that left her wheezing and breathless. A course of antibiotics did not reduce the pain...

Common migraines:

How to soothe those nasty headaches? First, if possible, try and find out the cause of the migraines. According to some readers' experiences, this could be heavy metal toxicity; constipation (likely due to digestive problems); or food allergies...

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