My low-cost, natural, home cure for breast cancer

Around four years ago, I wrote to you about my experience with Paget’s disease [a form of cancer] (see WDDTY vol 10 no 9). In March 2003, I was seen by a senior oncologist, who confirmed my suspicions that the disease had returned. It was uncomfortable to lie on my right side and, upon close inspection, it was obvious that my breast tissue was becoming inflamed again, with a slight exudation of pus.

My grandchildren’s birthdays, followed by my daughter’s and her husband’s, were in March, April and May, and I was anxious not to spoil their celebrations, so I did not tell my daughter about the cancer recurrence.

But from then onwards, I’ve been following my non-carcinogenic diet, with what vitamins and minerals I can afford. Not having any spare capital, I could not repeat the private-hospital treatment, my first choice in 1998.

I now buy amygdalin (B17) [usually extracted from apricot kernels] through a group that imports it from Mexico. I also take plant enzymes that work synergistically with B17, and Essiac tea, among other items.

Within three months, my symptoms were gone, and I told my daughter that I had been treating myself at home. I had a private blood test done, and the result was normal. I made an appointment to see the hospital senior oncologist who had confirmed my diagnosis. On 13 June 2003, I was physically examined with great care, and was told by the oncologist that he could find no cancer signs anywhere in my body!

This time, instead of the many thousands of pounds which I had to spend in 1998 at the private hospital, my whole programme of anticancer treatment cost me less than £500.

I think it’s time that cancer-research organisations began to look more seriously at natural treatments for cancer. – Hilary Englefield, West Ashling, West Sussex

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Written by What Doctors Don't Tell You

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