Homoeopathy can kill Helicobacter bug . . .; . . . And so can mainly p

In WDDTY vol 13 no 6, it says that Helicobacter pylori is not killed by antibiotics. It is easily dealt with totally safely by taking Helicobacter 30C twice daily for two weeks, though some people may need a 200C potency.

In my experience, H. pylori only grows in a stomach that is already stressed by eating junkfoods or food that is not suitable for that person as the HCl in a healthy stomach is inimical to most organisms. – Dr P.C. Tatham, Durham

Re the news article ‘Antibiotics are ‘useless’ against ulcer bug’ in WDDTY vol 13 no 6, as a vegan of 20 years’ standing (and still active daily in sport), I’ve learnt that 100 g of animal protein requires 0.5 g of hydrochloric acid (HCl) for digestion in 3.5 hours. Advising patients to consume six small, mainly plant-based meals rather than three larger, mainly meat-based meals a day, I observed that dyspepsia from ulcers or hiatus hernia often improved rapidly or even disappeared, rendering medication unnecessary.

Whatever the role of H. pylori, I presume that patients produced much less acid per meal and the stomach worked at a reduced intensity, thus allowing healing. – Dr David Ryde, Oxford

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Written by What Doctors Don't Tell You

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