Tag - alternative therapies

Woman fighting cancer with guided imagery

Fighting Cancer From Within

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you can find yourself over-whelmed with emotions at a time when you most need to keep your wits about you. While you are alive, you have hope, and you have options. You have will, imagination, and powerful natural...

Woman Laying Down - Healing Guided Imagery

Healing Wisdom

I use this story to illustrate two very different approaches to medicine and healing. One seeks to cooperate with, stimulate, and work with natural healing abilities, while the other goes to war with nature, and attempts to conquer her. Sometimes...

Man in cave contemplating awareness

Resting In the Fire Of Awareness

We are perfect as we are. This is the ecstatic proclamation of the advaitic, or non-dual path of direct understanding. But the moment this proclamation is made, the question is often raised, "How do we come to this understanding?" This question...

Woman with arms outstretched feeling content and happy

Explorations In Stillness

To what are we really devoted? Happiness? Security? Love? If we're serious about living a contented life we need to answer the question: "Where, by being established here, are we always happy, always secure and always loving?" With-out answering...

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Explore Wellness in 2021