Tag - spirituality

Woman daydreaming in a cafe

Hearing the Whispers of Your Soul

Dreams are a way our soul gives us to learn our life lessons. Your dreams are illuminating the life path your soul wants you to take. The key is to start acting on them. Could your soul be begging you to grow and asking you for a change?

Synchronicity - Viewing forest through glass sphere

Spiritual Synchronicity

Mysterious forces beyond our understanding are not only at work in the universe but directly involved in our daily existence. This may sound ominous, but it shouldn’t be frightening. Synchronicity has seeped into our culture as a term used to...

Woman daydreaming in a field


We all know the feeling of awakening from an evening dream. We suddenly realize, often to our relief, that the dream – its images, thoughts, and feelings – which seemed undeniably real in the dream state is clearly seen as false in our wakeful state...


Awareness can neither be perceived by the senses nor known by thought. It is the ever-present basis of all we experience, our fundamental nature. Experiencing your natural, unaltered, and simple awareness is experiencing precisely who you are and...

Man on mountain glimpses beyond normal life

Glimpses of Beyond

We have all experienced glimpses of a larger consciousness that lies beyond our personal identity and day-to-day life, characterized by a sense of ease, wholeness, peace, delight, and freedom. They are a welcome release from the day-to-day struggles...

Group of loving people on the beach at sunset

A Larger Love

We are seamlessly interconnected to all beings. The practice of “equalizing” is an ancient approach to help us to abandon learned preferences and view all individuals as equally deserving of love and compassion.

Man and Woman Meditating on a Beach

Meditation: Relaxation or Awakening

Human Flourishing is the realization of our innate potential for an enduring happiness, optimal well-being, expansive consciousness, and effortless serenity. I used the word realization because these qualities are already and have always been innate...

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Explore Wellness in 2021