A report by the UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones has sparked more debate on the safety of mobile phones. While the report concludes that mobile phones are unlikely to cause cancer or any other disease, it recommends that children should be discouraged from making “non essential calls”.

Colin Blakemore, a co-author of the report, believes that the lack of data so far does not put mobile phones in the clear. “RF [radio frequency] radiation below guideline thres holds has a demonstrable effect on cells and tissues and this suggests that a precautionary approach is warranted”. He believes that the lack of conclusive evidence on harm caused by mobile phones should not be taken as a declaration of their safety and has called for more research.

Children have smaller brains which are still developing and their skulls are thinner, and so are at greater risk when using mobile phones. For this reason, says Blakemore “. . .we wanted to give a clear message to the industry that they should not continue to market mobile phones specifically to young children until more research is done” (Lancet, 2000; 355: 1793).

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Written by What Doctors Don't Tell You

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