Where to find info on insulin resistance

In WDDTY vol 13 no 10 on page 10, you have two notes on people who suffer from low insulin resistance and who therefore transform their blood glucose into fat rather than energy, resulting in gum disease and a likelihood of miscarriage. It also appears to be a cause of obesity.

As somone who may have low insulin resistance, I was wondering whether or not you could advise me on where I can find information on the condition (how to identify it, and other ways in which it affects your health) and alternative ways of dealing with it.

I was also interested in your article on cancer and will be passing it on to our regional health board in the hopes that it may inform those who are currently planning our new regional cancer hospital. Mr Ryke-Geerde Hamer’s research seems particularly important. – Mary Higgins, Belfast

WDDTY replies: See our cover story this month for a diet which may help. You may also contact the Montignac organisation for more information (www.montignac.ca).

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