Case Histories (by Simon Martin)

Heart disease

Harvard University asked more
than 22,000 doctors, all at least 40 years old, to take aspirin
every day for four years. By then, 104 had heart attacks; five
were fatal. In contrast, of those who took an inactive dummy pill,
189 had heart attacks and 18 died.

Doctors have got excited about
these results because, while 500 people a day die of heart disease
in the UK, the drugs used to prevent this happening have some
unwanted effects and have not been proved to be totally effective.
Aspirin, on the other hand, is universally regarded as safe, cheap
and convenient.

But even as the Americans
stampeded to their medicine cabinets (helped by a massive publicity
campaign mounted by aspirin manufacturers), warnings were sounded
by British experts. Sir Richard Doll points out that if aspirin
helps people who have already had heart attacks, then it does
so at the expense of causing more strokes. The benefits to healthy
people are even less obvious.

This sounds familiar. International
authorities have recommended that anyone with higher than average
levels of cholesterol circulating in the blood should start corrective
treatment with drugs. Yet the Helsinki Heart Study (on 19,000
men aged 40­55), the World Health Organization study (on
10,000 men), and the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention
trial (3,800 ‘at risk’ men), have all shown that any reduction
in the number of expected deaths from heart disease is balanced
by an increase in deaths from other causes.

The implication is that these
may be caused by the ‘preventive’ drugs themselves; an idea supported
by the many non­fatal effects reported in the drug users.
These include more gastrointestinal complications (and surgery
to put them right), more gallstones and more cataracts.

Because of this predilection
to use drugs as preventive medicine, many people are becoming
wary of health screening. Having regular check­ups, particularly
if they involve an enthusiastic, interventionist doctor who monitors
blood pressure and goes in for cardiograms and stress tests, may
actually be dangerous to health.

Aspirin, too, is not the innocuous
substance it is made out to be. Children’s aspirin was withdrawn
from over­the­counter sale after many years of assumed
safe use. It causes gastrointestinal bleeding and pain. Drugs,
it seems, are a very poor form of preventive medicine.

The irony is that we have
all the information we need to stop heart disease without drugs.
Evidence is that these alternatives are not only safe and effective
ways of staying alive, but that they can actually reverse the
process of conditions like atherosclerosis, even at the emergency
stage when a man is scheduled for bypass surgery.

That was the experience of
Richard B, a 42­year­old businessman and amateur athletics
coach, who remembers running a fast track 200 metres in the middle
of the pack, floating easily across the finish line ­ and
waking up in intensive care.

He knew about diet and exercise
and it hadn’t saved him from a heart attack. It turned out that
he was genetically unable to produce a cholesterol­controlling
enzyme. Unable to walk after his spectacular collapse, he was
whisked to the front of the waiting list and booked in for double
bypass surgery. The operation was due to take place the day after
his wedding.

He was too doubtful to go
in for it. Bypass surgery is not a permanent solution and is frequently
ineffective. A 1,000­man study by the American Veterans Administration
found that bypass surgery was of no benefit for anyone but those
with the rare left­main artery disease. Bypassing clogged
arteries is one thing; but what about the ones that are left?
These too will become clogged, and more surgery will be needed,
until the unfortunate patient runs out of replacement tissue.
It makes much more sense to do something about root causes.

Richard opted instead for
chelation. This treatment, combined with a low­fat, high­fibre,
low­sugar diet, and supplements of vitamins and minerals,
enabled Richard to report to his disbelieving consultant three
months later that he was back in athletics training and did not
need any operation.

The consultant wanted to conduct
an angiogram, in which a dye is injected into the arteries and
examined under X­rays. Richard refused, because
during a previous angiogram his heart had stopped while he was
on the table.

There was no real need. Here
was a man who couldn’t walk because of the pains in his chest,
now back to an hour’s running ­ not jogging ­ a day,
plus circuit training, and all without drugs.

Besides, American scientists
had already established a precedent, with a paper published in
1977 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Their patients, average
age 48, all had angiograms to diagnose extensive blockage due
to atherosclerosis. After 13 months on a low­fat diet they
were angiogrammed again: in nearly half, the existing deposits
of arterial plaque had begun to disappear. With the known benefits
of chelation, and the technology to check on how the arteries
are functioning without invasive measures, Richard felt confident
to refuse more surgery.

His case is typical of those
gathered in the files of chelation centres throughout the world.
And from those supplied by the Chelation Centre, London, for this
book, it is clear that even though their cases are supervised
by a consultant physician and endocrinologist and have full test
data available, many doctors and surgeons find it very difficult
to believe that their patients have been able to recover so well.

One professor of cardiology
at a leading American university school of medicine confirmed
the excellent physical status of a patient who had used chelation
therapy, but felt moved to add a handwritten postscript: ‘As you
know I really don’t believe chelation is effective!’

All good closing­of­the­ranks
stuff. Unfortunately, this dubious sort of behaviour is resulting
in a safe and effective treatment being denied patients ­
not on the basis of serious scientific analysis, but as a result
of sniggering humour.

The patient who made this
correspondence available was a man aged over 60 who had received
a triple bypass operation at this same American university. Six
weeks later he began to experience severe recurrent angina. At
first he responded to calcium channel blocking drugs, but after
a few more months is angina got so bad that he was unable to walk.

On his own initiative, and
still suffering despite the best that high­tech medicine
could offer, he began chelation therapy. He had 20 treatments
in all. Eight months after his first chelation session he reported
back to the university: he was totally without symptoms. Not only
was he able to walk, but was walking up hills and was working
a full day. No shortness of breath, no side­effects from
the chelation.

His physical examination proved
his blood pressure to be 150/90. His pulse was 77. His chest was
clear. His heart not enlarged, and with a murmur and a ‘4th heart
sound’. He had stopped all his drugs two weeks before the examination,
because he was feeling and functioning so well. ‘As you know I
really don’t believe chelation is effective!. The only comment.

If this was an isolated case
of benefit, where calcium blockers and operations and/or surgical
operations had brought no relief, then perhaps it would be understandable.
But the evidence has been accumulating for years; and patients
who have tried, or who want to try, chelation must by now be very
familiar to American heart surgeons.

The attitude in Britain is
little better, although perhaps slightly less aggressively and
blindly ‘anti’. In fact, a patient who wrote to the British Heart
Foundation, the heart research charity, for their opinion on chelation
was told, quite reasonably, that there were two sides to the argument
and there was no reason at all why he should not explore the matter
for himself.

But the BHF also passed on
another example of deeply entrenched dogma. They told him:

    You may or may not be aware
    that chelation therapy has been around for some 30 years and opinions
    regarding its value vary enormously . . . One of our professors
    who is an expert on atheromatous coronary artery disease and has
    done a lot of research on it recently summed up the situation
    by saying that the evidence of benefit is almost non­existent
    and the experimental basis for supposed advantage is very weak.
    The general consensus of opinion seems to be that there is no
    advantage over calcium antagonists such as Adalat.

The BHF has made no secret
of the fact that it has funded a lot of research into this group
of drugs over the years.

Mr SC, another 60­year­old,
was also a victim of this dogma when, following angioplasty ­
surgery to repair the blood vessels in his chest ­ in the
heart unit of the prestigious Stanford University School of Medicine
in California, he experienced considerable pain from ‘residual’
angina. This side­effect of surgery had been predicted, but
not the degree.

He was placed on calcium blockers,
a high dose of six 10 mg tablets three times a day. Even so, the
angina did not stop. After only two chelation infusions, the angina

This story had a happy ending.
Mr SC’s regular doctor (he does not live in America) is a cardiac
surgeon. And when Mr SC returned home after chelation, this doctor
was so impressed he proposed to use angioplasty and chelation
as complementary treatments in future. The patient reports this
surgeon’s more open­minded view of the process:

    His opinion is that EDTA removes
    only a microscopic layer of plaque (as well as smoothing
    the artery wall due to healing of the cells that line the
    arteries). He feels, however, that the removal of even a microscopic
    layer of plaque in arterioles supplying blood to artery
    muscles could improve blood flow to the artery muscles substantially
    and would likely prevent artery spasm, thereby preventing
    much angina pain in an extraordinarily short space
    of time.

What can chelation achieve
in a patient with heart problems? Let’s follow the history of
one man in more detail. (As with all case histories, I am grateful
to the late James Kavanagh of the Chelation Centre of London and
Pagham, West Sussex, for providing full data. Names of patients
have been changed and, unless their specific permission was given,
have only been identified to me by initials.)

The case we’ll follow is of
a 62­year­old man whose chief complaint was angina.
This had come on after surgery to his prostate and was so severe
that it used to wake him up, on average, three times a night.
Luckily for us, this gentleman is scientifically trained and kept
precise notes of his progress before, during and after the chelation

In addition, we have access
to the reports of two doctors he consulted for examinations during
1982, when his severe angina began after his prostate operation,
and a full proposal for treatment from a specialist in an American
coronary unit. This surgeon had seen the previous medical records
and from them suspected ‘significant’ disease of our man’s coronary
arteries. Subject to a full physical examination in the United
States, the proposal moved on to plans for surgery and warned
of a possible cost of up to $20,000, a sum of money which puts
into perspective the comparatively modest cost of chelation.

An opinion from the chief
of this American unit was that our patient ­ let’s call him
George ­ would need an angiogram and probable angioplasty,
with possible bypass surgery. George was told to proceed “immediately’
with this schedule, and certainly not to leave it longer than
two months. His angina by then had become unstable.

George did not have the bypass.
His angina ‘virtually ceased’ after his first chelation infusion.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

George’s problems really started
in 1972. A specialist professional in a demanding job, he had
an episode of dizziness and his doctor found his blood pressure
had got way too high. To control it he was first given Reserpine,
a drug isolated from the Rauwolfia plant, whose constituents are
a traditional sedative. Reserpine pulls out of the tissues, nerve
endings and the brain, circulating chemicals that act on blood
vessels to raise blood pressure.

One of Reserpine’s side­effects
is that it can affect mood, and George’s blood pressure medication
was changed several times over the years until he had finally
settled on two Catapres tablets a day. Catapres contains clonidine,
a chemical which works on the central nervous system. It reduces
blood pressure, slows the heart and is a mild sedative. It does
nothing to treat the root causes of high blood pressure, but effectively
does away with the symptoms ­ the body’s warning signals
that something is wrong and needs attention.

Towards the end of the 1970s,
George was bothered by a fluctuation in his heartbeat and occasional
chest pains. That was addressed with a prescription for two tablets
of Trasicor a day. Trasicor is based on oxyprenolol, which is
one of the class of drugs known as beta­blockers. These chemicals
are firm favourites of some professional musicians, who find public
performances so nerve­racking that they are unable to play,
and even some sports people. The beta­blockers work by blocking
nerve endings called beta­receptors. These are the receptors
that pick up nerve stimulus to the heart ­ which can be sent
down the line due to emotional stress, fear, aggression, tension
and so on. The nerve signals, if received, would normally cause
the heart to increase its work rate ­ so it beats faster.

Case histories

Beta­blockers are also
used to treat angina, as if there are any deficiencies in the
arteries supplying blood to the heart, when the nerve signals
speed up the heart, the increased flow of blood against the resistance
of a restricted artery can cause severe pain. George didn’t experience
full angina, though, until a few years later. In 1982 he had microsurgery
on an enlarged prostate gland. Despite the drugs he was using,
immediately after the operation he developed severe angina and
was put on oxygen for three days. In an effort to control the
angina, he was given two more drugs to take in addition to the
two he was already taking. These were Nitrobid (four a day), a
drug which relaxes the walls of blood vessels, reducing the amount
of blood flowing to and from the heart; and Dyazide, later changed
to three capsules of Adalat a day.

Adalat is one of a class of
drugs known as ‘calcium antagonists, an interesting choice
knowing what we know about chelation’s effects on calcium. Adalat
works by slowing the entry of calcium (carried in the blood) into
the heart and blood vessels. The idea is to prevent the flow of
blood from ‘silting up’; again, they do nothing to address the
underlying problem.

By the time George’s angina
became worrying ­ despite all these drugs ­ it was
the end of 1985. By then he reported his symptoms as:

  • Blood pressure of 180
    or 170/100 without medication, controlled at about 145 or 150/95
    with medication.

  • Onset of angina after
    four hours of working in the office, needing Nitrobid to control

  • Regular waking at night:
    three times, sometimes four times a night, needing more Nitrobid
    and sleeping pills to allow sleep.

  • ‘Permanent feeling
    of lack of air (oxygen), requiring rooms to have low temperatures
    and windows open even on coldest nights. Inability to remain by
    a fireside or to sit in stuffy rooms, trains, shops, etc. I could
    not remain in a heated shop for more than a few minutes’

  • Ability to walk only
    about one and a half miles (2.4 km) at steady pace, and not up
    hills or steps. Shortness of breath.

  • Heavy chest pressure
    at end of day’s work.

  • ‘General malaise and
    disinterest in life, with condition and sleeplessness interacting
    to provide general deterioration in health,

    Christmas with the family
    was not pleasant. ‘Life was difficult for my family due to my
    inability to stay in a room at a comfortable temperature, said

    At that point, faced with
    a recommendation for a $20,000 bypass operation with no guarantee
    of improvement afterwards, an old friend in Nairobi, Kenya, suggested
    that George investigate chelation, since doctors in Nairobi had
    successfully treated numbers of people with similar conditions.

      Treatment began on 15 January,
      1986 after series of tests and I continued with my previous dosage
      of Catapres, Trasicor, Nitrobid and Adalat.

      After first chelation infusion,
      angina virtually ceased with no reminding’ pains to call for
      the next medication due. Felt much brighter and began to make
      plans for remainder of year. Began to sleep properly, with maximum
      of one waking per night, but still with windows open, however

      After second treatment on
      the 17th, found I could lie in bed on left side for 20 minutes
      before turning to right. Previously this was possible for only
      a few minutes. I had a feeling of some movement at left side of
      heart on Monday, 20th and Tuesday, 21st. Had severe heartburn
      in night due to acidity as a result of taking too many “make­up”
      yellow chelation supplement pills. This caused racing of heart
      and was assuaged by taking Milk of Magnesia antacid pills. Quite
      frightening at the time.

      On Monday morning, 10th February,
      after taking one Nitrocontin tablet with early morning tea, had
      a pain of some sort across top of heart. Before chelation, I usually
      had ‘relaxation’ pain in this place after taking nitroglycerin.
      Only one single, non­sharp, pain was felt. During the morning
      I noticed specks of white material up to 1/16 inch (1.5mm) or more
      across with white vapour trails swirling slowly in my urine.

      Throughout the first eight
      infusions, I gradually began to feel better, with much improved
      attitude to life. I began to breathe easily without the feeling
      that there was chewing gum stuck around my heart. I found I could
      sleep in a heated room with minimum ventilation, shovel snow slowly
      and do jobs around the house with enthusiasm again. Also, at various
      times during chelation, I had a ‘feeling’ at weekends that something
      around my heart was moving ­ not a pain, but a ‘feeling’,
      first on top and left side, then underneath and then at back of
      heart, etc.

      I had had arterial pains in
      my right calf and ankle swelling in my left ankle (especially
      after flying) before chelation. This was described as venous thrombosis
      by Dr T. I felt some slight pain in the right calf artery and
      in the veins of my right leg during the second week of chelation.
      Thereafter the pains, both right arterial and varicose, ceased.

      After eight infusions I felt
      altogether better. I reduced my Nitrocontin tablets (Nitrobid
      not available in UK) from four to three per day on 31st January,
      also Adalat capsules from three to two per day. On 7th February,
      I reduced my two Catapres tablets per day to one. I expected to
      reduce my Nitrocontin further, but Dr P required me to continue
      with this reduced dose until the end of treatment.

      I can now write for ten hours,
      with considerable concentration and without onset of angina. I
      think I see colours more brightly. No change was noticeable to
      general vision or hearing, but a change of glasses did improve

      From eighth infusion onwards
      to the twentieth my ability to walk quite fast for long distances
      became much improved, including walking non­stop up a fairly
      steep long hill near my house. I have continued to feel ‘movements’
      at weekends in various parts of my body, including right side
      of head and a return to top side, underneath and back of heart.
      I now sleep through the night regularly with normal minimum of
      room ventilation. I sometimes need a sleeping pill the night after
      an infusion.

      I cleared a 5 inch (12.5cm)
      depth of snow from our house drive and footpaths (quite extensive)
      at beginning of March.

      After the twelfth infusion
      my BP was down to 130/80 despite reduction of BP­reducing
      pills. I reduced my Nitroglycerin to 1 1/2 (2.5 mg) tablets per

      After the twentieth infusion,
      I had very definite movement activity all around my heart on the
      Saturday night and this woke me from sleep. It subsided without
      medication and I felt similar movements in the centre of my right
      calf. I wondered whether this was debris or plaque being moved.
      The faint feeling or slight pain in right calf remained. On Sunday,
      I slept well again.

      I feel the treatment has done
      all that I could have possibly hoped for and after a few months’
      rest I intend to have more chelation infusions.

      I have lost weight (about
      8lb/3.6kg) but am still 5 or 6lb (2.5kg) overweight. At or around
      the twelfth­fifteenth infusion, I developed excess fluid
      around my heart and could feel slight bubbling beneath my heart
      at night. This was confirmed by X­ray and Dr P advised cutting
      fluids while on chelation. This I did and I believe the fluid
      had gradually dissipated by the end of the treatment.

      I informed Dr P of the slight
      ‘pain’ in my right calf. This was possibly brought about by my
      climbing 190 steps non­stop one day.

      Six weeks have gone by since
      my treatment ceased on 21 March, and the pain in my right calf
      and a slight pain at the back of my right knee have now virtually
      disappeared and I do not feel them even on morning waking (as
      I did before chelation).

    A few months after completing
    his chelation programme, George reported: ‘I am feeling fine,
    though working a nine­hour day. I think in future it would
    be better to cease the work stress and I have this in mind a year
    from now!’

    ‘Smoker’s legs’
    and claudication

    Probably the most seriously
    ill person whom we have treated, is how Chelation Centre’s James
    Kavanagh described the lady whose case history we next look at.

    ‘Smoker’s legs’ is the slang
    description for her condition. We’ll refer to her as Eileen (not
    her real name). She was 64 years old when she arrived for treatment,
    barely able to walk even with a stick.

    About 13 years before she
    had needed a heart operation to fix up her aorta, the huge artery
    growing out of the heart from which a complete system of arteries
    develops. It had become blocked, and the operation was described
    as ‘aorto­iliac reconstruction in which the ‘bifurcation
    was cleared out completely and was widened with a heart­shaped

    Unfortunately for Eileen,
    her condition had continued to deteriorate despite this excellent
    ­ and literal ­ unblocking and patching­up job.
    She needed another operation, but the surgeon refused to operate
    because of the state of her arteries. She would probably not survive
    the procedure.

    Her blood pressure was a phenomenal
    200/155. Asked about this, Eileen commented it had ‘always been rather high’! She had been taking drugs to control it for years.

    Her husband tells the story:

      It was a lucky day for Eileen
      when she saw the article in Here’s Health magazine about chelation therapy.

      She had already had an operation
      for a blockage at the lower end of her aorta some 11 years ago
      and when a similar problem presented itself last year a senior
      consultant thought a second operation was far too dangerous.

      I don’t doubt that he was
      right, but it created a very traumatic situation which seemed
      insurmountable ­ until we saw the article. Fortunately tests
      showed she was suitable for treatment. Twelve months ago she could
      only walk, very slowly, for a few paces with the aid of a stick.
      She was unable to climb any stairs. Today she walks well, climbs
      steps and has even been dancing. An additional bonus is that she
      has been able to give up her blood pressure tablets ­ she
      has taken them for years ­ and her general feeling of well­being
      is a pleasure to see.

    Staff at the Chelation Centre
    did not think that Eileen was going to get better, as several
    times she arrived for an infusion still hobbling with her stick.
    It turned out that, encouraged by her husband, between sessions
    she had been overdoing her newly returned ability to walk and was
    actually suffering because her muscles were redeveloping.

    At the end of her programme,
    the Centre’s summary recorded her as looking, in her face, 15
    years younger, able to walk more than a mile unaided ‘and very
    gracefully’ with her blood pressure stabilized at 135/80 and all
    drugs withdrawn.

    ‘Thanks to chelation therapy’,
    says her husband, ‘Eileen has been given a new lease of life for
    which she and I are profoundly grateful’

    Another person with walking
    problems, whom we’ll call Gerry, had a classic case of what is
    known as claudication, and it was so bad that he could only cover
    25 yards before the pain stopped him.

    Claudication literally means
    limping, or lameness. It usually turns up in people with circulatory
    problems as intermittent claudication. It is usually caused by
    the arteries being severely diseased. The pain starts up soon
    after walking, becomes so bad that the person has to stop, and
    then disappears completely when the legs are rested.

      Gerry reports:

      In January I could walk no
      farther than 25 yards and was in acute pain at the end of it.
      I would have to return to my car walking flat footed on my left
      foot because it was too painful to take weight on the ball of
      my foot. There was a gradual improvement in that by July I could
      walk 200 yards ­ but slowly and with a lot of pain.

      I started chelation in July
      and noticed no improvement until the sixth infusion, when I realized
      one day that I had walked from Oxford Circus station to Wimpole
      Street with only marginal discomfort in the leg.

      After the seventh infusion
      I found a considerable improvement again, and after the eighth
      I was able to walk briskly, and I recall telling Dr P and
      several of the patients that I had turned a corner. The improvement
      continued and I have now had 11 infusions.

      Two days ago I walked one
      and a half miles (2.4km) at normal walking pace with no discomfort
      in the leg. I sat for a few minutes and did the return walk, at
      the end of which I had only marginal discomfort in the leg. Yesterday
      I set out on a brisk walk (service marching pace of four
      miles [6.4km] to the hour) without any problem.

      My legs were marginally uncomfortable
      at the end of it, but what one has to remember is that years ago,
      before claudication became apparent, my legs, like those of other
      fit people, would have some mild degree of discomfort after a
      brisk one­and­a­half­mile walk.

    As a means of testing chelation,
    Gerry purposely did not lose weight or stop smoking during the
    11 infusions! ‘The benefits I have seen could only have come from
    chelation’, he says. ‘Now that I have conducted my own clinical
    trial, weight loss and cessation of smoking will be effected.’

    Gerry also reported ‘side­effects’
    ­ early improvements in fact: ‘Better hearing, eyesight,
    mental alertness and erections.’

    Another man who continued
    to smoke through his treatment worried James Kavanagh: ‘He did
    not make as much progress as he might have done, and I was sure
    that his next step would be surgery.’

    Michael (not his real name)
    had severe claudication when he first came for chelation. He had
    been unable to sleep properly for months, since as soon as he
    put his legs anywhere near the horizontal the pains in his calf
    became unbearable, since gravity was no longer able to help the
    flow of blood. He could walk only 100 yards (91m) before seizing
    up and had been forced to stop work. He looked very old.

    The cause of his condition
    seemed to be his heavy smoking plus slightly high blood cholesterol
    readings. The tests showed severe circulatory disease in his legs,
    but no one could judge the exact extent of it since Michael was
    not about to let anyone cut into him. A professor at a leading
    London hospital had recommended an invasive check of his lumbar
    area and he had refused. In fact he wasn’t all that happy about
    chelation, and had seemed to agree to a course ­ twice a
    week for three months ­ only because he was more afraid that
    if things got worse he would have to agree to invasive

    He was, in the consultants
    terms, ‘a real problem.’ The Chelation Centre really thought he
    would need surgery, but Michael was set against it. The Doppler,
    sound­wave test used at the Centre revealed massive obstructions
    in his arteries. And he would not stop smoking.

    Yet, against the expectations
    and against the odds, chelation was able to make a real impression
    in the three months. A revealing measure of the improvement was
    a walking treadmill test three months after completion of the
    initial course, which shows whether the improvement is lasting
    and is maintained. Michael initially stopped in pain at one minute
    30 seconds at 2 mph (3.2kph) on the flat; his follow­up showed
    he could go for three minutes 50 seconds.

    This added to the other effects:
    the night­time resting pain was relieved, and the Doppler
    test showed minor improvements in the flow of blood where previously
    there had been all the signs of an irreversible continuation of
    the blocking; these combined to relieve Michael of a great deal
    of anxiety.

    James Kavanagh hoped that
    Michael’s GP would be able to find the funds to enable him to
    take another course of treatment and would help him stop smoking,
    but could only be pleased at the results: ‘He is able to walk
    and produce his own lactic acid (a by­product of exercise)
    to help himself and he now works fulltime again. And he is much
    more happy and confident as a result.’

    Another huge improvement in
    claudication was seen in a 54­year­old man we’ll call
    Peter, who could manage a maximum of 150 yards (137m) on a slight
    incline before being stopped by the pain in his right calf. This
    is no way for a 54­year­old to face life.

    This man, a flight engineer,
    had faced ­ and passed ­ regular flying medicals. They
    had not picked up, or looked for, the cause of his problem ­
    a generalized arteriosclerosis of the right leg with blockages
    ­ which the Chelation Centre tests found out to be due to
    very high levels of cholesterol.

    Peter had given up smoking
    years before, so it was clear that the dramatic improvement in
    his condition was again due only to chelation. Dramatic? Well,
    he had only ten infusions starting in November. When he booked
    in for his seventh infusion in March, he had already taken part
    in a
    (16km) crosscountry
    walk without any claudication pain.

    After ten treatments, he was
    reporting that his walks on the Downs were back to the distances
    he was covering five years previously, walking a regular 4­5
    miles (6.5­8km) with no pain.

    Other ailments

    Some people show their circulatory
    problems by not being able to walk too far; others are more dramatic
    ­ they pass out.

    These are the ‘cranial’ cases.
    People with disease of the arteries that take blood and oxygen
    to the brain. On the way, the blood passes through the neck, and
    at the carotid arteries, the main highways from heart to head,
    Doppler sound testing can reveal where and how bad the obstructions

    Luckily for the ‘cranials’
    chelation can be as dramatic as their habit of falling over several
    times a day.

    Catherine (not her real name)
    was 66 and was blacking out three or more times a day. This was
    not only embarrassing, but dangerous. If she felt herself ‘going’
    at home she could usually avoid the corners of tables or ‘arrange’
    to drop saucepans where they would do least damage, but she was
    rightly worried that she might collapse while out shopping and
    be hit by a car.

    But it was an embarrassing
    moment that highlighted her condition at the Chelation Centre.
    The first thing staff knew about it was when she turned up for
    her first infusion and passed out in the toilet. Since then the
    locks have been changed so that they can be opened from the outside
    in emergencies.

    The problem with cranial insufficiency
    is that you feel bad all over even when you’re not falling over.
    The brain needs massive amounts of oxygen. When it doesn’t get
    it you can feel washed out all the time, and generally ill every
    day for no good reason.

    Catherine not only came across
    as a morose person, but looked ill, with a yellow/gray complexion.
    That was to clear by her fourteenth infusion, so that she looked
    totally normal. Much more satisfying ­ and quicker ­
    was the fact that she had not a single collapse since her first
    infusion ­ a remarkable result.

    The Doppler scans showed how
    her cranial circulation improved and she was so much happier in
    her outlook. And, said James Kavanagh with the ‘before’ and ‘after’
    reports to hand: ‘As with many cases, the kidney function improves
    with chelation treatment and this can assist well­being’

    The sound­wave scans
    are a popular, non­invasive tool. ‘Around 75 per cent of
    people attending the Clinic come only for the Doppler exam, said
    Kavanagh. ‘Some exhibit a moderate/ severe stroke risk’

    A lady we’ll call Janice,
    aged 55, came into this category. She had already used surgery
    and the Gerson cancer therapy to deal successfully with three
    malignant melanomas three years before. Now the Doppler showed
    problems in her carotid arteries; follow­up tests showed
    the cause to be her high cholesterol level. Without effective
    preventive treatment she was a candidate for a sudden and severe
    loss of blood supply to the brain.

    Janice has started a course
    of chelation confident that she can successfully rid her arteries
    of plaque and improve her health.

    Eye improvement

    FD, 67­year­old
    man. Rapid left eyesight degeneration over previous six months.
    This was said to be avascular, that is, in an area not reached
    by the bloodstream, and so untreatable by chelation.

    But FD had been so astonished
    by his wife’s health changes hat he decided to try treatment himself,
    on the basis that all deposits and their dispersal, plus nerve
    regeneration depend on good blood supply ­ and
    chelation would help bring that about

    Last report was that the deterioration
    seemed to have halted. A prominent eye specialist is reviewing the case.

    Arthritis subsides

    HW, 60­year­old
    woman. Despite operations for relief of obstructions in the blood
    supply of her legs she had been in constant pain for many years.
    After the second infusion, she was able to spend most of the day
    on her feet without pain. Useful side­effects included the
    disappearance of varicose veins in her leg and an almost 1/4 inch
    (7mm), six­year­old vein on her wrist.

    A severe arterial thumping
    sound in the area of her ear became less noisy. Arthritis of her
    knuckles subsided to such an extent that she is now able to exert
    her full grip instead of being able to close her hand only partially.

    After a stroke

    KB, 57­year­old
    woman. Stroke nine years previously had left her with considerable
    paralysis still on her right side. The Doppler sound scan showed
    an impaired blood flow in the carotid arteries at the neck, and
    this was corrected with six infusions.

    With this restored blood supply,
    nerve regeneration becomes possible and she was recommended to
    start physiotherapy.

    Record run

    AP, 40­year­old
    man. Previous investigations of his heart involved catheterization,
    passing a tube into the heart to try to find out what is going
    on. This apparently revealed severe ‘blockages’ and he had been
    offered bypass surgery.

    During chelation his chest
    pains gradually abated and he finally proved he was 100 per cent
    fit in great style: following his twelfth infusion he ran, complete
    with overcoat and overnight bag, via two underground trains to
    catch a train at Victoria station within 14 minutes of leaving
    the Clinic. It was ‘an amazing performance’, say staff. He arrived
    puffed, but without pain.

    Mucus problem clears ­
    after 30 years

    SK, 58­year­old
    man. There was a gradual improvement in his angina after the
    fourth infusion, and there were valuable sideeffects. His eyesight
    improved and, most surprisingly, after only the second infusion
    a serious nasal mucus discharge ceased. This had been going on
    for 30 years, since he had received a blow on the head.

    The Doppler readings on his
    carotid arteries support his own reports of progress and he is
    now completely free of all drugs.

    Never too late?

    TS, 82­year­old
    woman. She could only walk one block due to intermittent claudication.
    She had coeliac disease (allergy to gluten, the protein found
    in wheat) and severe potassium loss. Her kidney function was impaired
    and as a result she had to be given only a half­dosage of
    EDTA for the first five sessions ­ long enough for this to

    Her kidneys now perform better
    and she walks double the distance. Just as delightful to the Clinic
    staff, she recovered her sparkling personality and outgoing nature,
    ‘suspected but not seen before to such an entertaining degree’.

    IB, 72­year­old
    woman. Angina and intermittent claudication disappeared after
    eight treatments despite extreme cold weather in London after
    the warmth of her native Trinidad. She spent most of her days
    visiting and shopping in London, rather than resting. Eyesight
    problems of occasional black ‘floaters’ stopped after the second

    Avoiding the bypass

    RB, 40­year­old
    man. Crushed by angina, although suffering only occasional attacks,
    he was offered a coronary bypass operation. An athletics coach,
    and aware of the benefits of treating the whole body rather than
    isolated parts, he opted for chelation.

    Residual angina proved to
    have gone after no further pains occurred for two weeks following
    the fourteenth infusion.

    Putting back the sparkle

    BP, 55­year­old
    woman. Her ankles were swollen after only little walking. She
    was overweight although she ate very little and felt generally
    ‘two degrees under’, with lack of energy.

    The Doppler test showed only
    slight abnormalities in cerebral arteries. Following ten infusions,
    the water retention in her ankles cleared up. She has lost one
    and a half stones (9.5kg) and has regained a real sparkle to herself,
    much remarked on by friends.

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    Written by Leon Chaitow ND DO MRO

    Explore Wellness in 2021