DON’T TELL THE EU: High-dose vitamins are good for you

With the EU’s proposed ban of high-dose vitamins carrying on apace, a new study has found yet more evidence of the importance of these vitamins at levels far beyond that which can be achieved in the standard diet.

Researchers have discovered that people who take a daily dose of 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 IU of vitamin E dramatically reduce their risk of developing atherosclerosis, which clogs the arteries.

They found that the two vitamins reduced oxidation, a normal chemical process, but one that can, in excess, damage cells. Arteries can be clogged, leading to atherosclerosis, when there is lipid oxidation.

Although 500 g of vitamin C can be achieved through diet, it is impossible to achieve the recommended levels of vitamin E purely from foods (Am J Clin Nutr, 2002; 76: 549-55). For a copy of the WDDTY book Your Healthy Heart, visit:

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